SWTOR Datacron Locations and Guides

The complete and ultimate guide to every Datacron and Matrix Shard in SWTOR!

Droid Recon Achievement Guides

The complete and ultimate guide to every MCR-99 Droids in SWTOR! Scour the entire galaxy for the Shroud’s hidden Recon Droids with the Macrobinoculars you obtained from the Macrobinocular Mission you pick up on the Fleet. (This mission can also be picked up on Makeb and the Capital Planets) You can use the Macrobinoculars to… Read More »SWTOR Guides

Galactic Beastmaster Achievement Guides

The complete and ultimate guide to every bestiary lore object in SWTOR! You can earn and show off your prowess with the epic Legacy Title “The Beastmaster” in Star Wars: The Old Republic by scouting the Galaxy for unique and powerful beasts. Each planet will have fauna unique to their environment, some friendly and some… Read More »SWTOR Guides

Galactic Loremaster Achievement Guides

The complete and ultimate guide to every bestiary lore object in SWTOR! You can earn and show off your dedication with the epic Legacy Title “The Loremaster” in Star Wars: The Old Republic by scouting the Galaxy for obscure and powerful knowledge. Each planet will have many Codex Entries, both obvious and hidden.The planets listed… Read More »SWTOR Guides

Elite Targets Location Guides

Challenge yourself by taking down some of the strongest and most notorious targets – from soldiers to mercenaries to fearsome beast – across the Galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic! This is the complete and ultimate guide to every Elite Target and named NPC in SWTOR. SWTOR Tyrant of Balmorra Location Guide SWTOR Liberator… Read More »SWTOR Guides

Companion Gift Guide

To make your beloved companions in Star Wars: The Old Republic more efficient, both on the battlefield and for crafting, you have to increase your influence with them to Rank 50. The increase of influence can be done in many ways – Affection from Conversations, Crew Skill Missions, Gift Giving etc. Each Influence Level gives:… Read More »SWTOR Guides

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