Unseen, Unheard
Delve deep into the devastating events of the destruction of the Miraluka homeworld Katarr from the point of view of the sole survivor - Visas Marr.
A Short Story based on the comic book "Unseen, Unheard" by Chris Avellone, the Lead Writer on Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords.
What goes through the mind of a mother as she makes the irreversible choice that will shape the rest of her daughter's life?
A Short Story based on the events in the Star Wars: The Old Republic's Cinematic Trailer "Betrayed" prior to the expansion Knights of the Eternal Throne, released by BioWare.
Until I See You Again
A precious memory between a beloved grandfather and his granddaughter.
This is a short story written as a memorial for my beloved granddad who passed away peacefully November 9th 2022