SWTOR 7.3 Contemplation Mastery Achievement Guide

This guide will help you find the precise location of the three meditation spots in the Daily Area of Voss: Interpreter's Retreat for the "Contemplation Mastery" achievement. This can be done at any time and have no other requirements beyond finding them and contemplate.
You will earn the Legacy Title "Contemplative" and access to a special decoration.

The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Location > Voss: Interpreter's Retreat > Exploration.

Contemplation: Silence

The exact location to "consider the silence of the places long unseen" is on the steps leading to the Shrine of Silence Flashpoint entrance in the Voss Wilds.
You will know when you are in the correct location, when a temporary ability pops up called "Contemplate". Click it, contemplate for 14 seconds and receive your achievement "Contemplation: Silence".

Contemplation: Focus

The exact location to "let distractions fade as the deluge of tranquil water surrounds you" is by the waterfall south of the Shrine of Contemplation entrance.
You will know when you are in the correct location, when a temporary ability pops up called "Contemplate". Click it, contemplate for 14 seconds and receive your achievement "Contemplation: Focus".

Contemplation: Illumination

The exact location to "consider the light that shines in the darkness, illuminating the shadows" is in the north-west room inside the Shrine of Contemplation in the west of Voss Wilds.
You will know when you are in the correct location, when a temporary ability pops up called "Contemplate". Click it, contemplate for 14 seconds and receive your achievement "Contemplation: Illumination".

Reward: Special Deoration

Once you have contemplated at all three location you can return to the Specialty Nutrient Vendor in Interpreter's Retreat and a new decoration is unlocked for you to purchase - Voss Park Bench for the price of 250 Tech Fragments and 60,000 credits.
You can now contemplate in your own Stronghold.

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