SWTOR Fashion
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Created by Celethe
This is a list, complete with screenshots and descriptors regarding all hairstyles for both female and male, and unique hairstyles for specific races.
All of the screenshots were taken using body type 2, so certain hairstyles may interact a little differently with other body types due to slight size differences in the armour.
*Please note body types 1 and 4 may have much more variable differences between hairstyles and how they cooperate with the hood!
**Please also note that the listed numbers of the hairstyles may be different for you if you do not have certain hairstyles unlocked!
Hairstyles & Body-types
Here are some images of how certain hairstyles may interact differently with different body types. The differences won't be major, but they can be noticeable, so whether you want to spend your money on an expensive armour set and don't mind some clipping is purely up to you.
Using one of the more popular hairstyles, Body Type 1 experiences visible clipping, while Body Type 2 and 3 experience none, and Body Type 4 experiences extremely minor clipping.
*Longer hairstyles are much more likely to have clipping issues than others, however some are animated and have movement when performing actions, while other hairstyles are still and have minimal movement.
**These changes are not as visible in male characters due to shorter styles.
Female - Humanoid
Hairstyle 2: No visible clipping from the front.
- Slight clipping on the left side.
- Visible clipping during movement.
Hairstyle 4: No visible clipping from the front.
- Visible clipping from the side and back.
- Hairstyles 5, 6 and 7 variants have the same clipping.
Hairstyle 8: No visible clipping from the front.
- Visible clipping from the side and the back.
- Hairstyle 9 variant has the same clipping.
Hairstyle 20: No visible clipping from the front.
- Slight clipping on the sides of the mask.
- Hairstyle 21 variant have very visible clipping in the back.
Hairstyle 22: No visible clipping from the front.
- Slight clipping during movement.
- Hairstyle 23 variant has very visible clipping.
Hairstyle 25: No visible clipping.
- Hairstyle 27 variant has very slight clipping at the back, similar to Hairstyle 26.
Hairstyle 29: No visible clipping from the front.
- Very heavy clipping visible from the side and the back.
- Hairstyle 31 variant has the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 31: No visible clipping from the front.
- Visible clipping from the side and the back.
- Hairstyles 32, 33 and 34 variants have the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 39: Visible clipping from the front and sides.
- Hairstyle 40 variant has the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 41: Visible clipping from the front and sides.
- Hairstyle 42, 43 and 44 variants have the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 49: Minor clipping in the front and back.
- Hairstyle 50 variant has the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 64: No visible clipping.
- Hairstyle 66 variant has no visible clipping from the braid in the back.
Hairstyle 65: No visible clipping in the front.
- Slight clipping on the right side.
- Major clipping at the back.
- Massive clipping during movement.
Hairstyle 71: Visible clipping at the front and side.
- Hairstyles 72, 73 and 74 variants have the same clipping issues.
Female - Zabrak & Cathar
Specific races have unique hairstyles other races don't possess, so there will be other categories just for them; Zabrak and Cathar.
All of the screenshots were taken using body type 2, so certain hairstyles may interact a little differently with other body types due to slight size differences in the armour.
Please note that the numbers of the hairstyles may be different for you if you do not have certain hairstyles unlocked!
** Zabrak horns may vary due to subtle differences!
Hairstyle 1: No visible clipping in the front.
- Minor clipping at the back.
- Hairstyles 2, 3 and 4 variants have the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 6: No visible clipping in the front.
- Extremely minor clipping at the sides, barely visible.
Hairstyle 7: No visible clipping in the front.
- Visible clipping on the sides.
- Major clipping at the back.
- Hairstyle 8 variant has the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 9: Very minor clipping of horns in the front.
- Hairstyle 10 variant has the same minor clipping issues.
Hairstyle 11: Very minor clipping of horns in the front.
- Hairstyle 12 variant has the same clipping issues.
Hairstyle 18: No visible clipping.
- All other horns are the same, maybe a few very minor clipping issues.
Male - Humanoid
All of the screenshots were taken using body type 2, so certain hairstyles may interact a little differently with other body types due to slight size differences in the armour, as well as some unique hairstyles for specific races.
Please note that the numbers of the hairstyles may be different for you if you do not have certain hairstyles!
Hairstyle 9: No visible clipping from the front.
- Extremely minor clipping on the sides.
- Hairstyle 10 variant is the same, but without the minor clipping.
Hairstyle 11: No visible clipping.
- Hairstyles 13, 14, 15 and 16 variants all have minor / major clipping.
Hairstyle 22: Visible clipping at the front.
- Hairstyle 23 variant is the same, though a little less visible.
Hairstyle 24: No visible clipping.
- Hairstyle 25 variant is the same, but with visible clipping during movement.
Hairstyle 26: No visible clipping.
- Minor clipping during movement.
- Hairstyle 27 variant has visible clipping at the back.
Male - Zabrak & Cathar
All of the screenshots were taken using body type 2, so certain hairstyles may interact a little differently with other body types due to slight size differences in the armour.
Please note that the numbers of the hairstyles may be different for you if you do not have certain hairstyles unlocked!
** Zabrak horns may vary due to subtle differences!
Hairstyle 6: Extremely minor clipping from the horns at the front.
- Hairstyle 7 variant is the same.
Hairstyle 13: Extremely minor clipping from the horns at the front.
- All other horn variants are the same.