Elite Targets
- Champion of Belsavis
- Champion of Tatooine
- Champion of Voss
- Cleaning Up the Streets of Nar Shaddaa
- Corellia's Most Wanted
- Coruscant's Most Wanted
- Hoth's Most Wanted
- Hutta's Most Wanted
- Ilum's Most Wanted
- Korriban Conquest
- Liberator of Balmorra
- Liberator of Hoth
- Liberator of Ilum
- Liberator of Ord Mantell
- Liberator of Quesh
- Liberator of Taris
- Liberator of Tython
- Monsters of Makeb
- Tyrant of Balmorra
- Tyrant of Dromund Kaas
- Tyrant of Hoth
- Tyrant of Ilum
- Tyrant of Quesh
- Tyrant of Taris
SWTOR Tyrant of Taris Location Guide

This guide will help you locate all 3 Elite Targets on Imperial Taris that are part of the Tyrant of Taris achievement.
The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Location > Taris > General.
Listed in alphabetic order: