Elite Targets
- Champion of Belsavis
- Champion of Tatooine
- Champion of Voss
- Cleaning Up the Streets of Nar Shaddaa
- Corellia's Most Wanted
- Coruscant's Most Wanted
- Hoth's Most Wanted
- Hutta's Most Wanted
- Ilum's Most Wanted
- Korriban Conquest
- Liberator of Balmorra
- Liberator of Hoth
- Liberator of Ilum
- Liberator of Ord Mantell
- Liberator of Quesh
- Liberator of Taris
- Liberator of Tython
- Monsters of Makeb
- Tyrant of Balmorra
- Tyrant of Dromund Kaas
- Tyrant of Hoth
- Tyrant of Ilum
- Tyrant of Quesh
- Tyrant of Taris
SWTOR Coruscant's Most Wanted Location Guide

This guide will help you locate all six Elite Targets on Coruscant that are part of the Coruscant's Most Wanted achievement.
The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Location > Coruscant > General.

#1 Abiss Sol'oras
The Nikto Guild Master Abiss Sol'oras is an Elite Opponent located on a platform in docking area of the Old Galactic Market right in front of the Presence Datacron. You have to take the elevator on the right side of the platform, as seen on the map, since the left one is broken.

#2 Dark Sith Anev Xydes
The seething Dark Sith Anev Xydes is a Champion Opponent located on the second floor of the ruined Jedi Temple overlooking the broken pillar where you find the Red Mastery Datacron. You can climb the massive broken pillar from the ground floor.

#5 Jessa Bo'den
You have to pick up an Exploration Mission called Secret Passages from Lieutenant Doorn on the Taxi platform in the Black Sun Territory. You can only pick this mission up if you have toggled Show Exploration Missions in the lower left corner of your map above the Galaxy Map.

Complete all stages of the bonus of Justicar Resistance until you reach the final stage where you have to "Access the Justicar Console" in the Justicar's Computer Lab in the south-west of the Justicar Territory.

The final step of the bonus will spawn the Elite Opponent Jessa Bo'den, and you simply have to defeat her.

#6 Teven Liss'ard
You have to pick up an Exploration Mission called The Freightskippers from Agent Nuris Yorksin on the Senate Plaza north of the Taxi Pad. You can only pick this mission up if you have toggled Show Exploration Missions in the lower left corner of your map above the Galaxy Map.

Complete all stages of the bonus Freightskipper Fracas until you reach the final stage where you have to "Deactivate the Security Console" in the south-west of the Black Sun Territory.

The final step of the bonus will spawn the Elite Opponent Teven Liss'ard, and you simply have to defeat him.