Elite Targets
- Champion of Belsavis
- Champion of Tatooine
- Champion of Voss
- Cleaning Up the Streets of Nar Shaddaa
- Corellia's Most Wanted
- Coruscant's Most Wanted
- Hoth's Most Wanted
- Hutta's Most Wanted
- Ilum's Most Wanted
- Korriban Conquest
- Liberator of Balmorra
- Liberator of Hoth
- Liberator of Ilum
- Liberator of Ord Mantell
- Liberator of Quesh
- Liberator of Taris
- Liberator of Tython
- Monsters of Makeb
- Tyrant of Balmorra
- Tyrant of Dromund Kaas
- Tyrant of Hoth
- Tyrant of Ilum
- Tyrant of Quesh
- Tyrant of Taris
SWTOR Hoth's Most Wanted Location Guide

This guide will help you locate all five Elite Targets on Hoth that are part of the Hoth's Most Wanted achievement.
The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Location > Hoth > General.

#1 Kazianna Alvamma
The Cathar mercenary Kazianna Alvamma is a Champion Opponent found in the enclosed Terror Brigade Compound that you can reach by travelling through a tunnel in Glacial Fissure east of the Ambria's Fury wreckage. You run past her on your way to the Presence Datacron. She is quite tough to fight on your own, and if you can manage the "Line-of-sight" tactic, then it is doable solo. I recommend bringing a friend though.

#2 Legendary Wampa
The Legendary Wampa is a Champion Opponent found wandering around in the snowy mountain in Highmount Ridge north of Leth Outpost. This is the same area you can find the Arctic Nerf Calfs that are part of the Who's Scruffy Looking? achievement. This is quite tough to fight on your own, so I recommend bringing a friend.

Bonus Target
The Wolf
The Cathar mercenary The Wolf is a Champion Opponent found up on a slope just outside Outpost Senth in the Glacial Fissure. You know you're at the right place if you see a stand-off between a Wampa and territorial Tauntauns. He doesn't count towards the Hoth's Most Wanted achievement, but he does provide a challenge and loot.