Galactic Beastmaster Achievement
- Beastmaster of Alderaan
- Beastmaster of Balmorra
- Beastmaster of Belsavis
- Beastmaster of Coruscant
- Beastmaster of Dromund Kaas
- Beastmaster of Hoth
- Beastmaster of Hutta
- Beastmaster of Korriban
- Beastmaster of Makeb
- Beastmaster of Nar Shaddaa
- Beastmaster of Ord Mantell
- Beastmaster of Quesh
- Beastmaster of Rishi
- Beastmaster of Taris
- Beastmaster of Tatooine
- Beastmaster of Tython
- Beastmaster of Voss
SWTOR Beastmaster of Tatooine Location Guide
To complete the "Beastmaster of Tatooine" achievement you must find ten bestiary lore objects. This written guide will show you where to locate each lore object.

The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Locations > Tatooine > Exploration.
Listed in alphabetic order:
Sand Demon
Sith Warrior - Demon's Blood Story instance
You can get the Sand Demon lore object through the Sith Warrior's personal story on Tatooine. The instance is located in the secluded area called Severin Mesa Windfarms west of Imperial Outpost Varath in Jundland.

Jedi Knight - The Sand Demon's Lair Story instance
You can get the Sand Demon lore object through the Jedi Knight's personal story on Tatooine by defeating a Sand Demon Spawn. The instance is located in the Dune Sea south of Republic Outpost Thorazan.

To get the Scyk lore object, you have to defeat a Champion Frenzied Scyk, found in the north of the Dune Sea, wandering around on a flat sand plateau similar to a Threshermaw's Lair from Mass Effect. This Chamion is also part of the Champion of Tatooine achievement.