SWTOR Beastmaster of Tatooine Location Guide

To complete the "Beastmaster of Tatooine" achievement you must find ten bestiary lore objects. This written guide will show you where to locate each lore object.

The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Locations > Tatooine > Exploration.

Listed in alphabetic order:


To get the Bantha lore object, you simply have to approach a small herd of Tribesman's Bantha in a small Tusken Raider camp overlooking the Wound between Republic Outpost Largona and Imperial Outpost Ridgeside Sentry Post.


To get the Dewback lore object, you simply have to approach a pack of Dune-roamer Dewback right outside the walls of Imperial Outpost Varath in Jundland, which means it's easiest to get on an Imperial Character.


To get the Duneclaw lore object, you have to defeat a Cliffside Sunrunner, found in the area near the Wound south of Republic Outpost Largona.


To get the Reek lore object, you simply have to approach a Rockhide Reek near the Adandoned Reclamation Service Base west of Imperial Outpost Ridgeside Sentry Post in Jundland. It's a non-combatant enemy, so it won't attack you, unless you attack first.


To get the Rill lore object, you have to defeat a Sand People Poisonous Rill, found in the secluded area called Severin Mesa Windfarms west of Imperial Outpost Varath in Jundland.

Sand Demon

Sith Warrior - Demon's Blood Story instance

You can get the Sand Demon lore object through the Sith Warrior's personal story on Tatooine. The instance is located in the secluded area called Severin Mesa Windfarms west of Imperial Outpost Varath in Jundland.

Jedi Knight - The Sand Demon's Lair Story instance

You can get the Sand Demon lore object through the Jedi Knight's personal story on Tatooine by defeating a Sand Demon Spawn. The instance is located in the Dune Sea south of Republic Outpost Thorazan.


To get the Sandtusker lore object, you simply have to approach a lone Sluggish Sandtusker in the northern part of the Dune Sea.


To get the Scyk lore object, you have to defeat a Champion Frenzied Scyk, found in the north of the Dune Sea, wandering around on a flat sand plateau similar to a Threshermaw's Lair from Mass Effect. This Chamion is also part of the Champion of Tatooine achievement.

Womp Rat

To get the Womp Rat lore object, you have to defeat a Corpse-Eater Womp Rat, found at the opening of the tunnel leading into the Dune Sea.


To get the Wraid lore object, you have to defeat a Rockhide Wraid, found in the area between Imperial Outposts Ridgeside Sentry Post and Outpost Rennar in Jundland.

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