Galactic Beastmaster Achievement
- Beastmaster of Alderaan
- Beastmaster of Balmorra
- Beastmaster of Belsavis
- Beastmaster of Coruscant
- Beastmaster of Dromund Kaas
- Beastmaster of Hoth
- Beastmaster of Hutta
- Beastmaster of Korriban
- Beastmaster of Makeb
- Beastmaster of Nar Shaddaa
- Beastmaster of Ord Mantell
- Beastmaster of Quesh
- Beastmaster of Rishi
- Beastmaster of Taris
- Beastmaster of Tatooine
- Beastmaster of Tython
- Beastmaster of Voss
SWTOR Beastmaster of Alderaan Location Guide
To complete the "Beastmaster of Alderaan" achievement you must find four bestiary lore objects. This written guide will show you where to locate each lore object.
To get the Bolriader lore object, you have to defeat a Ferocious Bolraider, found in the Juran Mountains north of Wardpost Landa.
To get the Iraida lore object, you have to defeat a Vicious Lraida, found in the Alsakan Lowlands. I have marked where I found one, but they can be found all around Wardpost Duvaal.
To get the Thranta lore object, you simply have to approach the secret Thranta "taxi" that you also use for the Presence Datacron in the Glarus Valley.
Vorn Tiger
To get the Vorn Tiger lore object, you have to defeat a Vicious Vorn Tiger, found in the Kaamos Territory. I have marked where I found one, but they can be found along the main path south of Outpost Eudor.