SWTOR Belsavis Droid Recon Location Guide

This guide will show the locations of all six MCR-99 Recon Droids on Belsavis using the Macrobinoculars from the Macrobinocular Mission where you have to find the Shroud.

Find the hidden Recon Droids scattered all over the galaxy to complete "The Droids You're Looking For" achievement. To earn the MCR-100 Miniprobe Pet you must complete all of the Faction specific planets on that Character. You must repeat this on all the characters you wish to unlock the pet on.

Minimum Security Section

This Recon Droid is located in the watchtower in the middle of the Prison Yard of the Terrorist Detention Sector in the Minimum Secuirty Section.

Maximum Security Section

This Recon Droid is located above a rock in the lava lake just below where you find the Presence Datacron in the Ancient Prison Approach. The next Recon Droid is not far from this location.

Maximum Security Thoroughfare

This Recon Droid is located inside a broken vault in the Maximum Security Thoroughfare. Move directly north from the previous Recon Droid in Maximum Security through the massive doorway in the ice wall. The next Recon Droid is not far from this location.

Ancient Prison Caverns

This Recon Droid is located at a Prison Cell in the Western Ancient Prison Cavern. Travel left through the Maximum Security Throughfare to the northern part of the sink hole prison.

The Tomb - Cells of the Lords of the Infinite

This Recon Droid above the Rakatan Prison structure in the Imperial area of the Tomb, right above the Imperial Agent phase.

The Tomb - Waters of the Primal Destroyer

This Recon Droid is located at the openning in the ice ceiling of the very northern part of the Tomb directly above the Primal Destroyer World Boss.

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