Ilum Datacron Master
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- Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Republic) Datacron Master
- Belsavis Datacron Master
- Corellia Datacron Master
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- Fleet Datacron Master
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- Ilum Datacron Master
- Kessan's Landing Datacron Master
- Korriban Datacron Master
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- Taris (Empire) Datacron Master
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- Tatooine Datacron Master
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SWTOR Ilum Endurance Datacron Location Guide

The Endurance Datacron increases the amount of damage you can suffer by increasing your max health. It will grant you Endurance +4 to your permanent stats along with codex: Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup. There are 5 Datacrons in total located on the planet of Ilum.
Datacrons are collectables scattered around the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Each Datacron contributes towards your Legacy's passive stats permanently. Furthermore, they also provide interesting Lore and Codex Entries about the Old Republic era.
Starting coordinates: 221, -108.
This Datacron is located in a small canyon near the Contested Crossroads.

Take the lift down. You can also climb down the rocky icewall on the left side of the lifts.

Run to the right from the lifts, and keep left when the path splits.

This will grant you Endurance +4 to your permanent stats along with the codex: Galactic History 84: The G0-T0 Coup.
This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:
During the Republic's weakened period after the Jedi Civil War, Aratech Systems had produced G0-T0 droids with hugely sophisticated programming designed to administer entire worlds. The G0-T0 droids were also given an additional order: find ways to restore the Republic while remaining within all legal boundaries. The conflict between these two factors caused at least one G0-T0 droid to break its programming and go rogue, choosing to strengthen the Republic by any means necessary.
Other G0-T0 droids took more drastic measures. Sixteen of the droids in the Gordian Reach established dictatorships on the worlds they administered, eventually declaring the region an independent territory named "400100500260026." Supreme Chancellor Cressa was forced to deploy the Republic military to reclaim the Gordian Reach. The campaign was a widely publicized success, though not all of the rogue droids were accounted for.