Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Master
SWTOR Datacron Locations and Guides
- Alderaan Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Republic) Datacron Master
- Belsavis Datacron Master
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- Dromund Kaas Datacron Master
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- Kessan's Landing Datacron Master
- Korriban Datacron Master
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- Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Datacron Master
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- Tatooine Datacron Master
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- Voss Datacron Master
SWTOR Balmorra (Empire) Green Matrix Shard Location Guide

The Green Matrix Shards are remnant relics of the Infinite Empire and no longer useful. Once they were used to create your first relics at the game's launch. Now it's simply part of the Datacron Master Achievement along with codex: Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor. There are 5 Datacrons in total located on the planet of Balmorra.
Datacrons are collectables scattered around the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Each Datacron contributes towards your Legacy's passive stats permanently. Furthermore, they also provide interesting Lore and Codex Entries about the Old Republic era.
Starting coordinates: -472, 1904.
This Datacron is located behind a shield wall in the Neebray Warehouse in the south-west of Gorinth Canyon. You will need to bring a friend along.

Once inside the Warehouse, run to the end of it and take the elevator down.

In the downstairs area you will see two clickable terminals on either side of the room. The time in between clicking them is too tight for you to do on your own (a sage/sorcerer or sniper/gunslinger with teleport to a specific location might be able to), so you and your friend stand at each of your terminals and click at the same time.

Once the shield wall disperses you can run into the room where the Datacron is located on a small platform.

This will grant you a Green Matrix Shard, which is no longer useful, but is simply part of the Legacy achievement towards Datacron Master, along with the codex: Galactic History 30: Rise of the Sith Emperor.
This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:
With the end of the Great Hyperspace War, the Republic and the Jedi began to purge the remnants of the Sith Empire--obliterating its power centers, destroying its dark teachings and leaving its people without a clear leader. The Supreme Chancellor and his allies argued that this was not a battle against the Empire's citizenry, but a necessary step to free the Sith from corruption.
The survivors among the Sith--and they were few, as famine, disease and infighting claimed those who did not continue to face down the Republic--saw it as a deathblow to their culture. But a savior arose: The man who would one day become Emperor of the Sith had weathered the war with a number of trusted followers. No record of the Sith Emperor's original identity has survived, but he was quickly accepted as the leader of the almost-shattered Sith Empire.
Although the Republic had temporarily retreated from the Horuset system, the Sith Emperor knew that Korriban would not be safe for long. While the few survivors emerged from their shelters in the deserts and shattered tombs, the Sith Emperor began to devise a plan, centuries in the execution, that would ensure the survival of the Sith and the eventual annihilation of the Republic.

Side note: There's a panel on the inside of this room you can click, so you can leave the area again without quick travel.